Tim Spector

Tim Spector


Group leader, Prof. Tim Spector (H-index 93) Director of the TwinsUK registry, he has published over 600 research papers and has been awarded a number of prestigious grants including being an NHS and NIHR Senior Investigator and the ERC Senior Investigator award to study epigenetics. He has written several books, focusing on osteoporosis and genetics for both the scientific and public communities as well as regularly presenting within the media. Prof Spector has a proven track record in EU research projects as coordinator of both the FP6 EuroClot project and the large-scale FP7 – Treat-OA and medium size EuroBats and EurHEALTHAgeing projects. He is also an ERC Senior Investigator and PI of Epitwin and beneficiary in ENGAGE, and GEFOS projects TS has played a key role in a number of training EU programs involving teaching and exchange programs including the Framework 5 GenomEUtwin project. He is President of the International Society of Twin Studies.


Expertise: Genetics, epidemiology, rheumatology, genomics, ageing, twin studies, epigentics and other omics

Role in the project: Team leader of the ServiceXS HEALS team contributing to WP5 and WP19

E-mail: tim.spector@kcl.ac.uk

Websites: http://www.servicexs.com/